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Online fair is a concept that belongs to the same concept as physical fairs, with the opportunity to visit the fair on the other side of the world with just one click on the web and mobile. Within this concept, the same is organized in virtual fairs, whatever comes to mind about written, video communication, seminars, promotional films, brochures. The concept of the virtual fair is organized simultaneously with the physical fairs, as well as independently.



  • Reaching more people by increasing brand awareness

  • Opportunity to reach the target audience from a single platform

  • Opportunity to open up to new markets

  • Maximum efficiency in fair participation with spending optimization

  • Opportunity to develop partners and customer network

  • Promotion of products and services

  • Ability to measure returns with visitor and interview numbers

  • Strengthening the image of the company focused on technology

  • Efficient fair experience without stand installation, refreshments, extra staffing

  • Effective use of time with a scheduled interview schedule

  • Savings in costs such as travel and accommodation fees, daily expenses

  • Opportunity to reach many potential customers at the same time with collective negotiations

  • Creating quick and effective business relationships through one-on-one meetings



  • Effective use of time

  • Savings in costs such as travel and accommodation fees, daily expenses

  • Possibility to easily reach the wanted companies

  • Creating a new customer and partner network

  • Reaching the target audience via a single platform

  • Efficient fair visit planning

  • Participating in free workshops and trainings

  • The opportunity to follow the sectoral developments

  • Meet companies in global markets

  • Business development without time and space limitation

  • A more efficient fair experience with less effort

  • Strengthening the image of the company focused on technology

Image by NASA

Time and
Cost Advantage

Put the Fairs

One Click Away






All Devices

Real Fair Atmosphere


Virtual fairs, which bring the physical fair atmosphere to the digital environment, enable both exhibitors and visitors to have a real fair experience. The fairs organized with customized appearance and content according to the demands of your company are organized in the concept you want. More than the arrangements you can make in classical fair areas are experienced on the online platform.



Our user-friendly fairs, which can be accessed via computer, tablet or phone, can be easily managed and visited over the internet. You can easily meet the target audiences online in our virtual fairs supported from all browsers.

Modern Technology


You can get fast and practical results from the virtual fairs that are carried to the digital world with our user-friendly online platform that combines the concept of the classic fair with today's modern technology and offers technological solutions with continuous improvements.

Live support


Live support service is provided online for exhibitors from your online fair decision to the stage of the fair, from the fair to the end of the fair. All support is provided to ensure a perfect fair experience

Live Chat & Video


At the stands, where live visitors can interact, representatives of the participating institutions can manage the stand and interact with them at the same time. Video and written speeches in digital media allow you to make an accurate assessment after the fair and to obtain effective results from these meetings.

Retrospective Fair Information and User Data


Thanks to your visitor information registered in online fairs, you reduce the loss of visitor communication at physical fairs to zero. You can also contact after the fair by having the contact information of the visitors who have visited your stand and have not contacted you.

Low Cost and High Access


You get rid of high cost expenses such as accommodation, transportation brought by physical fairs. On the online platform, you can connect to any part of the country or the world over the internet and expand your access. With the costs you reduce, you can also focus on increasing your return on investment.

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